Home > Bolg > Why is it important to receive orders through the restaurant’s website or mobile application?

Why is it important to receive orders through the restaurant’s website or mobile application?

    Published on by July 12, 2021

A good order-taking mechanism in a restaurant ensures fast order delivery coupled with efficiency. Why is it important to merge multi-platform ordering into one centralized dashboard for your restaurant business? Let’s look at how a centralized restaurant ordering system adds efficiency to the different levels of order taking in your restaurant.


Restaurants are realizing the need to own the end customer ordering experience. This is why they are investing in self-owned websites / mobile apps. In this way, they can manage the end customer experience much more.


A powerful feature of the restaurant ordering system from is that it deeply integrates website / mobile ordering with the POS.


All orders received online are entered directly into the system. There is no possibility of missing an order. Any orders received online will also be reflected in real-time orders at the POS.


A detailed report on the orders received on the website provides information on the performance of each item. By combining online and offline media sales information, restaurateurs can bring modifications to the central menu.


Any changes made to the menu are automatically reflected on the restaurant’s website and mobile app.


Retaining customers also becomes easier. The central CRM instantly updates the customer data collected from the website / mobile app. Based on consumption patterns, restaurateurs can create personalized offers and even send direct push notifications through the app. Even for customers, it is more accessible to keep track of their order history.


What questions should you ask before investing in a restaurant ordering system ?



    1. Will the order system help you manage all orders across all channels in one view?
    2. Is your restaurant POS equipped with the essential requirements of an ordering system?
    3. Will your current restaurant ordering system be updated as you expand your restaurant business?
    4. Is the restaurant’s ordering system designed to keep the customer at the center of the entire ordering process?
    5. Does it satisfy your restaurant POS Checklist?


Not integrating with third-party platforms uses the efforts and time of manually updating the order in the system. The restaurant may also miss the slightest opportunity to add minute details. Need a demo to see how it works? Get in touch with us.