Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can integrate Elvis using the link.
Online Support is included in the purchase.
No, Elvis can be deployed in the cloud-based platform on your premise or cloud server.
Elvis runs on any Android /IOS phone, supports Mac/PC and can also run on an iPad with ease.
Yes, we have included such features in our system. With a few taps, you can add your promotions and discounts.
No, the Development part is ours. We’ll take care of it. The application will be fully featured and functional when you receive it. You can start your online journey right away.
Automate your business with Elvis, this way you will be available for business 24/7. More people will come to know of your presence which results in more potential customers. Elvis will help you log every transaction. You will be updated with every business deal. This way you can keep track of daily, weekly and monthly work schedules. This will help you in providing smooth customer service.
Yes, any scale of enterprises is supported. That includes SME’s.
Yes, the data will be in your cloud account.
You can reach us via this email: Talk to us +91 9074996940, +60 1164530064.