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Digital Marketing for Restaurants

    Published on by August 25, 2021

Once you have your restaurant delivery apps setup using Elvis Ordering system. It’s time to start promoting your restaurant online.

Why does someone search for a restaurant on the Internet? To see where it is and how to get there, check its schedules, make a phone call, make a reservation, see the menu, see photos, see what people think … and much more. Having a presence to give information is the reason for having a digital marketing strategy for restaurants.

There are many restaurants that live off word of mouth and the prestige that is passed from one person to another, but in today’s world, even these types of successful restaurants need a digital marketing strategy. Why? Because even people who have been recommended a restaurant or who already know it, look for it on the Internet … What if it doesn’t appear? What if the one that appears is a good competitor restaurant that is even close?

Digital Marketing for Restaurants can complement Personal Recommendations

Most people go to a restaurant for the first time because someone invited them and mentioned them there, because they received a personal recommendation, because they read or heard a review, because they saw it when they did a search for something else, because they saw it in social networks and it seemed to him, because he saw the evaluations and reviews that his diners have made on the Internet, because he read the recommendation of a specialized blogger.

Digital Marketing for Restaurants must Start with a Phase of Social Listening.

If the best restaurants are recommended by word of mouth or through the Internet, then Digital Marketing for Restaurants should start doing social listening to learn what people say about the establishment, what they say about competitors, what they think of that type of food and which It is the feeling with which it expresses itself in all these aspects.

Listening to the market, before executing a strategy, is the first step to a successful restaurant digital marketing strategy. Once the market is listened to and it is known how many people are speaking, with what sentiment, with what language and who are the main influencers, then a strategy is designed that can include:

  • A content campaign that is distributed on social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn), which generates positioning of the restaurant and visitors to the site or direct contacts from social networks. Visitors can also be motivated to leave their data to capture it in a database.
  • An advertising campaign on Facebook that broadens the scope of the content published on the restaurant’s page, especially in the face of the new Facebook algorithm where the only way to reach many followers is through Facebook advertising.
  • A campaign of interesting content, published through the blog on the restaurant’s site, that appeals to the interests of the target market and that generates organic traffic from Google.
  • A video content campaign promoting the restaurant and its cuisine, on Facebook and on the restaurant’s own site.
  • Advertising campaign on search engines such as Google that places ads in Google results listings and banners on hundreds of websites, taking prospects to a registration, contact and landing page to generate reservations and capture data at the database.
  • An organic positioning campaign in Google that allows the restaurant’s site to appear in a relevant way in searches and on Google maps without having to pay for each click.
  • An email marketing campaign to the base of visitors who have left their data informing about promotions, new establishments in the chain, and more.

In a Digital Marketing Strategy for Restaurants, Everything is Measured. 

Everything that is done on the Internet must be measured. Fortunately, everything can be measured with the correct technology. When you design a digital strategy, you develop an execution plan where each tactic is measurable. There must be a solid implementation of “analytics” to be able to measure > execute > measure > correct > rerun in a continuous improvement process that gives incremental improvements in the campaign.

Content, Image and Video Are Essential for Restaurants. 

All the campaigns we develop at Estrrado for restaurants include an intensive content strategy that communicates to the prospect the answers to their questions and generates intense emotions about the food, the taste and the atmosphere of the establishment.

By informing and stimulating the senses digitally, we build a reputation for the restaurant and convey whims to the customer.

Digital Marketing for Restaurants Works Great for Groups and Chains. 

The Internet has a massive coverage and, although the platforms we use allow us to segment geographically, socioeconomically and by many other parameters, the greatest results occur when we work with a brand that has several establishments, when we work for chains or restaurant groups.

The reasons are several, the first is that a good digital marketing campaign for restaurants requires investment and when you cover a larger market, you have a greater opportunity to grow sales and generate positive returns. Of course, additionally, the investment in the campaign is more manageable when it is distributed among several establishments. From the client side, it is very pleasant for a client who when looking for a restaurant or a certain type of food, has a nearby branch and does not have to be left with the craving for distance.