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How to Increase Your E-Commerce Conversion Rate Using the Buyer’s Journey

    Published on by August 16, 2021

The conversion rate is always something quite enigmatic for e-commerce owners, however to demystify and help you improve the conversion rate, we have prepared a list of 5 tips to increase your conversion rate during the customer’s purchase journey in your e-commerce.

Tip 1: experience is the key to success

Customer loyalty is always the goal of e-commerce , but with so many options and different information at hand, the customer is hardly loyal. So, invest in experience and service, these are the main factors that will make your customer come back.

Fast, practical and hassle-free service should be part of your company’s pillars. This will count a lot for the customer’s choice, as he understands that if there is any problem, the assistance will be quick and efficient.

Tip 2: Have a very interactive store

An interactive e-commerce helps a lot in the shopping journey, so the customer can “date” the product they want at different times and places, helping the store to expand its reach.

Increasing reach is the meaning of new leads and potential new purchases, so if you want to increase sales, increase interactivity.

Tip 3: Monitor Your Customer’s Journey

Monitoring the customer’s journey is essential to know their profile, where they clicked, what is their interest in e-commerce and what suggestions may please them.

Creating this customer profile is important for you to know the products that are most attractive to a target audience and how they can solve the problem they discovered in the purchase journey.

Tip 4: Develop an Omnichannel Strategy

The omnichannel concept comes from a new consumer behavior profile. This profile seeks multiple purchases when selecting a product in an online store and searching for an experience. This means that, in this scenario, you need to build closer, more positive relationships with your existing customers and potential customers.

To earn conversions, e-commerce must be omnichannel. This strategy means integration between different points of contact with the consumer. Its main objective is to ensure a better shopping experience and build and develop closer relationships with your audience.

Specifically, this means integrating in every way:

Market strategy;
Personal training;
Technological tools.

Tip 5: Keep track of market trends

Selling more also means recognizing factors external to e-commerce, such as the market in which it operates and general conditions. This is because the e-commerce market is constantly changing and can have a direct impact on how and what the public consumes.

For this reason, it is essential to observe a growing number of products and services in order to use the best strategy to increase your business sales.

To follow the buying journey, you need to know exactly what your customer wants, how you’re going to offer this solution, and when you’re going to offer it. Knowing these points is crucial for the purchase journey to be concluded in a positive way, that is, with the sale made.

Considering each of the stages and knowing which stage of the sales funnel it belongs to allows you to provide the ideal content for the customer’s moment. Providing information about the problem he is looking for a solution does not mean solving the problem effectively, but supporting the client in his decision.

Winning it right in the first stages of the purchase journey can bring many positive results, remembering that you work with an e-commerce and the more payment options you have, the greater the possibility of closing.

Finally, invest in service and experience at any stage of the buying journey — that is, when the customer feels supported even before they are a buyer. This certainly motivates you to make the purchase sooner than expected.