Published on by February 18, 2022
Because clothing is one of the most important and basic daily needs, a multipurpose application for laundry booking and delivery is beneficial to clients all over the world.

Nowadays, laundry booking and delivery apps are becoming increasingly popular. The on-demand laundry app has gained traction in the industry after the great success of on-demand food ordering apps and grocery delivery applications. Customers all across the world would benefit from a mobile app for laundry booking and delivery because laundry is one of the most fundamental and basic daily necessities. With the increased demand for on-demand laundry apps, numerous startups have begun to invest in the creation of laundry booking and delivery apps.
Users can book their washing services using on-demand laundry mobile apps in a short amount of time. As the worldwide dry cleaning market expands, a variety of service providers are increasingly offering retail services to customers. According to Statista, the market for laundry and dry cleaning services in the United States is predicted to reach $13.8 billion by 2025. By 2022, the revenue from these services is expected to reach $7.660 million. The industry for online on-demand washing services will be valued over 96 billion dollars globally. If you’re thinking about establishing a laundry app, there are a few things to consider, such as pricing, functionality, and app providers.


Certain functions must be included in the laundry app. This software can be created for both iOS and Android smartphones. The following is how a laundry delivery app works:

  • The app must allow users to quickly login and register.
  • The app should allow users to place requests for washing services whenever it is convenient for them.
  • The administrator gets the user’s request and decides if the suggested schedule is viable.
  • If there are slots available, the admin will approve the request and send a text message and an email confirmation.
  • The person who will pick up the clothing will then contact the person who is responsible for them, and the pickup person will deliver them to the company.
  • After any necessary cleaning and ironing, the laundry is delivered to the consumers.

There will be three parties in a laundry app: the admin or Delivery Company, the delivery boy app, and the consumer app. Like any other software, the laundry app offers a variety of benefits to its customers. Users can order laundry services with just a few simple clicks. As an entrepreneur, you may automate laundry and dry cleaning services with the aid of a mobile laundry app. Let’s take a look at the laundry service and delivery app’s capabilities from three different angles.

Customer app features


Quick and easy sign up

Customers can sign up using their phone number, email address, or social network account. Also, they will have easy access to their accounts, which will save them time during registration and prevent them from giving personal information.

Service options

Users have a number of alternatives for different types of materials to choose from. For example, if a customer needs synthetic items washed and ironed, they can select the synthetic option and provide specific washing and ironing instructions.

Pickup schedule

This feature allows consumers to specify a pickup time that is convenient for them. They can also select a preferred date and hour for the laundry to be delivered to their home.


After choosing the quantity of garments and services, users will see an average cost. The price is determined on the services they have chosen. If the user chooses cotton as their fabric, it will be less expensive than linen, which requires extra care and caution during washing and ironing.

Pickup person

This is a customizable option, but adding it will make users feel more at ease. Users can select their preferred laundryman or pickup person with this function. They can assess the laundryman’s services and consumer feedback before making a decision.

Real-time tracking

This is the feature that the customer is always looking for. This feature allows users to keep track of their orders. The app manager has the authority to adjust the status on a regular basis so that users are kept informed about their orders.


One of the most key aspects is this. Consumers can arrange their cloth washing, drying, and delivery times with this feature, which can be added by the laundry app development business.

Order cancellation

Customers may have to cancel orders on occasion. Order cancellation facilities have been added to the company’s website for this reason. It has the ability to send an instant booking cancellation message to the person who will be picking it up.

Push notification

Admins can utilize push notifications to convey alerts and updates to users. Alerts include order cancellation, real-time order status, and promotional deals, to name a few.

Deals and offers

Offers and discounts are always preferred by customers. Customers should be able to view and take advantage of discounts and offers through the app. You can also run incentive and referral programs with your laundry app.

Payment gateway

Consumers opted for a multi-payment system. You’ll need to offer a variety of payment options to your customers. Consumers will save time as a result of this, and payment gateways will allow you to obtain funds.

Ratings and reviews

Users will provide helpful feedback and suggestions in the form of reviews and ratings after getting the laundry. They can even give the ranking to a washing service or delivery person. This feature can be used to create a segment for your favorite laundryman. Laundry app development services may help you create a user-friendly app with features like a cost calculator, time slot changing, and 24/7 user assistance.v

Laundry service app features


The admin can access the dashboard after completing the registration process. The app developer can add security to the app by including passwords and fingerprint locks. Both the consumer and the delivery personnel will find this registration process to be simple.


The app administrator has access to the delivery boy’s and users’ data. This dashboard is a lot of fun to use. The administrator has access to all data pertaining to the type of material, the number of garments, and booking information, among other things.

Order history

If you want to attract and keep clients, this is one of the most important factors to consider. You can design personalized deals for loyal clients based on their order history. This function can also be used to perform analysis.


One of the most important parts of the admin-side app is analytics. It will provide you real-time statistics and allow you to track delivery staff weekly, monthly, or annually. You may also utilize analytics to figure out how well your app is performing overall.


The admin will be aided in issuing real-time push notifications by using the calendar and reminders. This feature also simplifies the admin’s task planning and completion.
A developer can also integrate features like rapid task evaluation, accept/reject requests, and change management in addition to these. It’s a good idea to obtain help from a reputable laundry app development firm.

Delivery boy app



The delivery boy or the person who will pick up the laundry should first sign up for the app. By filling out a simple form, they can gain fast access to the laundry app. They can also sign up using their social media accounts.

Map or location

This feature is required for a laundry app to function. This is necessary for the delivery boy or the person who picks up the order. It will show the clients’ precise location. This feature makes it easier for the delivery person to find the customer’s location so they may pick up their laundry.


The delivery worker can keep track of their wages with this tool. They can see a detailed summary of their daily labor or keep track of their earnings.

Pick up and drop

The mobile app for the pickup person or delivery man has capabilities that allow them to receive pickup and drop orders.
These are the most important features to look for in a laundry pickup and delivery app. For more information, please contact our team at info@estrrado.com