Buying Has Changed! Is Your Company Ready?

2020 went down in history as a year of extreme change. The coronavirus has had a major impact on our lifestyle. It changed the way we work, think and buy everything from grocery to apparels.


impact of corona on grocery shopping
Woman wearing face mask and shopping in grocery store


According to a Nielsen consumer survey , the reflection of the Coronavirus outbreak in 2020 has indeed changed consumers’ buying behavior by permanently shaping future buying patterns and habits.


The question that remains is:

Are you and your company prepared to meet your customers’ new expectations?


The priorities and habits have changed, today people are much more cautious with their health, they are more resistant to physical contact , which means that online strategies and solutions end up being the way forward.


Buying has changed, don’t fight it


There are some people who don’t like technology.

They don’t like to hold meetings and conferences online, much less want to buy products online. Because?

The answer to that is a very powerful invisible force called ” habit ” .

And some habits are very difficult to break.


Here is an example :


It has a very popular supermarket chain with an application that allows people to order their products online.

You select the location, select the day and time for delivery, choose everything you want to buy and pay through the app itself.

When your order is ready, the application sends a message saying that someone will deliver it to your home.

So, why wouldn’t someone use this option ?

In general many people still prefer to enter the store , choose items and buy them the old fashioned way!

But when the coronavirus outbreak happened, it ended up pushing everyone out of the “comfort zone” and changing was the only option.

Yes, we were forced to accept a permanent change in consumption habits!


Change is necessary !


Think about how your customers have changed after COVID.

Many of your customers have met online, shopped online, and even met family members online.

With the population movement restrictions and the adoption of home office work, the increase in sales of cell phones and computers took a leap.




The current watchwords are adaptation, flexibility, urgency census and vision of the future to review your company’s business model and monitor consumption trends.

Be aware of your customers’ strategy after COVID and you will be one step ahead of your competitors!

Automate sales orders and gain total control over the sales volume of your products. Get in touch with us to know more.