Online Ordering App Case Study – Mia Dairy

app for milk delivery business


MIA DAIRY is an app for purchasing milk and milk related products for Trivandrum citizens. This app enables buying of milk products and managing the deliveries by the management and the delivery boys.




The client needed a solution for ordering milk and milk products from the local vendors. The customers should be able to schedule their orders and track their orders on time. The client also needed a solution where the management and delivery boys can manage and track the orders. They asked for a solution for the safe payment of all orders.


All the payments are done through online media. Customers can keep a record of the past payments.
Customers can schedule everything from their monthly or weekly order requirements.
Customers can inform the delivery boys on cancellation of any order.
Delivery boys can track all the scheduled orders by their customers.
Customers can track all the orders and also keep a track on the previous orders.
The customers can access real time notifications and reminders relating to their order.
The delivery boys can be informed in advance on rescheduling of any order.
The management can keep a track on the delivery boys.
The management can generate a client list based on the routes.


We provided the client with two solutions based on their requirement – MIA DAIRY CUSTOMER APP and MIA DAIRY DELIVERY BOY APP. We customized the solution so that the admin can manage and control the delivery of products. We offered them a simple yet robust solution to manage all the payments. MIA DAIRY CUSTOMER APP enables the customers to freely book for the required products. Customers no longer need to inform the delivery boys of the order changes rather the delivery boy gets notification in advance. The solution is simple and user-friendly, where customers can get real-time access to order related information.
The MIA DAIRY DELIVERY BOY APP enables the delivery boys to keep a track on their concerned orders. This app also enables the management in order management and payment verification.


The mission of our customized solution is to support the clients with their requirements. Our expert solution is flexible to adapt to their demands and also is compatible with their working environment. With our technical professionals and management experts, we were able to complete this project in the required time. Our team has helped the clients to achieve their needs and strategic goals, effectiveness, efficiency and also has helped them in delivering valuable services to their customers.


Delivery management
User management
Admin management
Vendor management
Employee management
Order management
Payment management
Bill management
Customer management
Supply management