How To Choose A POS System For Your Supermarket Or Convenience Store?

If you are thinking of getting a POS system for your supermarket, you are on the right path to boost the performance of your business.


POS systems have revolutionized the way that grocery stores, supermarkets and other types of businesses exercise control over their businesses. The keyword of POS systems is automation, and from there a range of benefits opens up that can make a total turnaround in the management of your supermarket.


retail POS software for supermarket


With that in mind, today we want to help you understand which POS System is the most appropriate for your requirements.


POS system for your supermarket


Before giving you the characteristics of a supermarket POS, let’s start with the basics. Do you know what is a supermarket POS ? It is important to make it clear that we are talking specifically about supermarkets, since there are POS for different types of shops and each one is adapted according to the specific needs of each business.


What is a POS system?


pos for retail business

A POS system for supermarkets is an administration and billing tool, designed for the automation of various types of stores .

Beyond the obvious functionalities, the billing system is just a module, since this type of software can also generate reports that contribute to the effectiveness of your inventory and accounting area.

Beyond an electronic billing system , a POS system for your supermarket, currently must be designed as a kind of administrative ecosystem that allows you to integrate multiple functionalities , so that your customers, employees and administrative management operate within the framework of a friendly and practical environment.

POS Systems for supermarkets are software that are generally connected to a cloud and their services are offered by companies like Estrrado specialized in POS and technological developments focused on the automation of processes for commercial establishments.


Why do you need a POS system?


Many people believe that they need a POS just to accept cards in their supermarket and to solve their electronic billing needs. However, you should bear in mind that a POS offers you much more than that.

The main objective of a POS for your supermarket is to help you reduce costs and increase your sales in the most effective way possible . Broadly speaking, we will tell you that if you want to properly maintain your inventories, accept various means of payment, keep your employees aware of any changes in your supermarket, and have demand forecasts, among other accounting tasks, you urgently need a POS system.


Characteristics of POS Software


If you want to get the most out of the POS system for your supermarket, you must make sure that it has the following characteristics. Why are you going to settle for less if you can have it all in one tool?

The best software for supermarkets and convenience stores should offer you:


POS/ Point of sale


Connect your POS with all means of payment. In addition, all your sales will have a barcode, reference and product name . This, as you can imagine, represents multiple benefits for your inventories, for electronic invoicing and for transparency purposes with your customers, among other things.


Smart inventory control


If you want to keep your inventory on the agenda, this functionality is perfect. You will have alerts of the products in your stock, so you will know when you are running out of stock of a product . In the same way, you can make more practical transfers between your warehouses and branches.


Connection to scales and barcode reader


If you want everything in your supermarket to function as a network that allows everything to work in a uniform and balanced way, good software for supermarkets should include a connection to all kinds of peripherals such as barcode readers , scales and printers.


Demand forecasts


pos dashboard for supermarket

This is one of the most innovative features in the new software and POS for your supermarket. As its name indicates, it is a tool that allows you to predict the amount of sales you will make in the future , according to the analysis of the behavior of your products. This will help you improve your inventory, anticipating situations that can be of great help such as the amount of products you need and the number of employees necessary to meet that demand.


Programmed database for supermarkets


Having a programmed database that includes the most popular products on the market is undoubtedly a giant advantage, because from this you can start billing in a simpler way, without having to spend additional time and money in the total registration of your Inventory.


Intelligent product management


A good management system for supermarkets should offer you smart product management. Simple, you can organize your products by category, batch number, location, barcode, references and brands .


Remote monitoring


This functionality gives you the peace of mind that you don’t need to be personally in your business to know that everything works as it should. With this tool, from your cell phone you will be able to see in real time the invoicing and inventory movements inside your supermarket.




sales report POS

A good POS system for your supermarket should include the possibility of generating graphs and management reports in order to know what the movements of your supermarket have been, in order to generate sales strategies or simply to know if things work as they must work.

In short, this is all you need to know about the POS system for your supermarket. It is true that there are much simpler POS systems, if you think in terms of savings, practicality and growth, it is better that from the beginning you bet on a fully functional tool that allows you to access multiple benefits, which along the way you will discover that they are vital needs for the proper functioning of your supermarket or grocery store.

If you want your business to meet the needs of the market, contact us and we will help you make the POS system for your supermarket a reality.