Why Is It Important To Digitize Your Grocery Business In 2021?

In 2021, grocery retailers all over the world faced a seismic transition, and customers embraced the process because they quickly adapted. Customers wanted on-demand delivery, thus this was a great success. Because of the unexpected COVID-19 situation, the demand for online groceries rose dramatically. To ensure customer satisfaction, businesses have to increase the efficiency of their online store operations.


reasons to go online in 2021 with business


Consumer behavior is evolving, and this has resulted in changes in their food shopping habits. According to recent statistics, the COVID-19 outbreak has caused a 37% surge in online grocery shoppers in the United States. This indicates that the epidemic more than tripled the number of people shopping for groceries online. It was not only the people of the United States, but also the rest of the world, who were forced to attempt a new experience in grocery shopping online.


Online grocery purchasing has established a new market trend.


Retailers have begun to shift their focus from brick and mortar to digital platforms. This tendency has also influenced small business owners to change their operations. This was thought to be one of the simplest ways to deal with the epidemic by delivering the necessary items to customers’ homes.


ELVIS’ ONLINE ORDERING SOLUTIONS can help your grocery store deal with present consumers while also allowing you to expand your customer base. You can facilitate better online grocery shopping at your business with our ordering solutions. More customers will be able to find your store as a result of this. It may assist your store with client management, order administration, billing, delivery management, customer retention, and data management, among other things.


In this pandemic condition, the entire world is in a state of emergency. The COVID-19 has a major impact on enterprises all across the world. Integrating digital technology into store operations has become a big potential for the grocery industry. You may improve your customer relationship management capabilities using the ELVIS ONLINE ORDERING SYSTEM. The ELVIS ONLINE ORDERING SYSTEM enables you to communicate with your consumers, provide specials and offers, and send notifications, among other things.


You can reach a larger target audience with the help of a customer-centric online app. You can access the essential data from anywhere and at any time using the cloud database system. Increased sales can also help you get a higher ROI (Return on Investment). It is undeniable that digitization is the way of the future for businesses. As a grocery retailer, you must be able to adjust to changing trends in order to thrive in the post-COVID era.


For the seamless operation of your organisation, we provide you with solutions that have desired features. For additional details, please contact our team right now.

15 Online Grocery Delivery Tips To Run A Successful Delivery Business

online delivery tips


In recent years, online grocery delivery has evolved from a convenience to a need. The pandemic has given on-demand services a boost. The demand for contactless deliveries is rapidly expanding. Between 2021 and 2024, the global online grocery delivery business is expected to expand by $631.84 billion.

As the demand for online delivery grows, so does the need for delivery apps. A user-friendly app is required to complete the online delivery process. Almost every grocery store is now working on a grocery delivery app. It is not enough to develop a delivery app; it must also be user-friendly. Businesses confront multiple hurdles when it comes to grocery delivery via the internet. They must always adapt to new technology and work in the best interests of the people. Let’s talk about some online grocery delivery strategies to help you succeed in the industry.

  • Make it simple for individuals to sign up and locate their products.

Users will visit a delivery app or website after it has been built and will create and register an account. This procedure must be followed. It should be simple for users to register with the app and locate the essential things. If consumers find it inconvenient, they will eventually abandon the registration procedure and uninstall the program.

  • Enable filtering to speed up search.

Customers want a diverse selection of products from a single website or app. They’ll look for more product variations. For a quick product search, users always choose a filter option. If the app does not have a filter option, customers will provide unfavorable reviews.

  •  Include all important details.

Customers will not be pleased with an app that only lists products and their prices. Customers are constantly looking for specific information about the products they are interested in. The delivery app should include all pertinent information, such as the expiration date, quantity, weight, and price. Customers will find it difficult to decide what they want if the necessary information is not provided.

  • Reduce the time it takes for a page to load.

This is one of the most important factors to consider while developing on-demand delivery software. If a customer perceives that the website is taking too long to load, the customer is likely to abandon the page. Regardless of whether it’s a mobile app or a website, the page should be optimized so that consumers can access it quickly.

  • Make the delivery places and policy absolutely clear.

The majority of services are now available in rural regions as well. Businesses should indicate delivery locations so that users can determine whether or not a specific service is accessible in their area. The delivery policy should also be explicitly stated by the firms. This is for the customers’ sense of security.

  • Allow products to be saved in the cart.

When a consumer first opens an app or visits a website, he or she will begin filling their cart with items that meet their needs and criteria. Customers like to save needed items in their carts. Users should be able to easily add things to their shopping carts. They should also be able to bookmark their favorite products for later use, and a wish list should be available to them for this reason.

  • Enable multiple payment options

Make it easier for clients to pay by providing a variety of payment options. They can pay using debit cards, credit cards, or third-party apps like Google Pay, Amazon Pay, and Paytm. When buyers have different payment alternatives, businesses will be able to generate more income and expand their customer base.

  • Make the payment process simple and easy.

Customers would never have to wait for a long time for their payments to be processed. They require everything to be completed in a short period of time since they do not want to waste any of their valuable time. There is a risk that the business will lose clients if the payment process is inefficient. Customers’ payment processes should always be made easier and simpler. They should also be certain that all of their payment information and data is safe. Customers can be retained as a result of this.

  • Offer different platforms

Customers nowadays prefer mobile devices to laptops and desktop computers. According to data, mobile devices accounted for 63 % of visits and 53 % of sales on retailers’ ecommerce sites. Because mobile shopping is becoming more popular, it is critical that your website functions well on mobile devices.

  • Optimize the delivery

This is one of the ways you may make a difference in the way your brand is perceived by customers. You must ensure that the products are delivered efficiently and on time, as well as monitor their performance. Performance tracking can be an important part of analyzing the delivery and the app’s performance. Customers will be more satisfied with your service if the delivery boys have been properly trained.

  • Provide high quality products and services

Quality items and services are always preferred by customers. One of the challenges of online delivery is the freshness of the products and the possibility of deterioration. Customers should be able to choose from a variety of delivery alternatives that protect the product’s quality. One technique to ensure freshness is to refrigerate the products before delivery. Customers should be given thorough information regarding fresh products, including not only a description but also a freshness label that indicates how long the products will last. Customers should also have the option of exchanging or returning things if they do not fulfill their expectations.

  • Efficient tracking

Customers should be able to keep track of their orders. Customers will be concerned about the status of their order once it has been placed. This can be resolved by offering customers a real-time delivery tracking option. The option of order tracking should also be available to the delivery boys. Customer retention can also be aided by timely delivery status notifications.

  • Deliver the customers with an overall good shopping experience

When you go through the shopping process, you will be judged on a number of factors such as product quality, website speed, delivery speed, and product description. You will be held liable if the product is delivered late, the quality is not as promised, or you obtain a damaged one. A bad shopping experience might cost you a consumer for good. As a result, it must be ensured that customers enjoy the ideal shopping experience possible, and businesses must keep their delivery standards. Customer retention increases as the experience improves.

Our expectation for online food shopping has been surpassed. Although it is difficult to foresee the future, online grocery delivery will continue to be a popular service. To overcome the issues, retailers will use an on-demand delivery app. ELVIS ORDERING can provide you with a fully functional on-demand delivery app that is tailored to your needs. Among the market’s retailers, ELVIS ORDERING has established itself as a reliable app provider. You can handle your complete grocery delivery management with ELVIS ORDERING at your fingertips.

If you’re seeking a digital solution as well, contact our team of experts back immediately.

How Grocery Store & Supermarket Billing Software Can Help Small Businesses

Are you running a supermarket? Does your customer wait a lot in the process of billing at the counter? Are you having trouble managing your store, accounting and billing management and other related activities?


start your own grocery store with software


Being a store owner is not easy. It’s not easy to carry out the manual billing procedure nowadays. You should need billing software instead of the traditional one for the smooth running of your store. One should be aware of the store management for the business. Businesses expand as they get tied up with new grocery stores. Many supermarket billing software are available in the market now. Let’s discuss how these software can help small businesses.


Easier Inventory Management

One of the most important factors to be considered by the businesses is about the quantity that has to be stored in the warehouse. Maintaining too much quantity can cause financial problems. Inventories have to be protected from natural calamities, wear and tear or decay. Managing the inventory becomes easy with the help of software as it will give notifications of any demand for a product that needs to be supplied to the stores. The billing software always comes in a package that includes all features relating to billing, production, third-party information etc. Inventory management is one of the important modules among them. This module helps the business in scheduling and planning the production in advance. Wastage of resources can be controlled with this software.


Bill and Price Management

One of the complicated processes of every business is managing the costs and selling prices. Packed products are different from those that are sold loose. All these factors become important during the selling and buying process. Small businesses have to be careful while dealing with the pricing and revenue factors. Billing software has the capability to integrate the pricing and revenue factors which can be used for forecasting and business progress analysis.


Predicting verticals

Small businesses always look out for growth and expansion. One of the essential factors to be considered while doing is predictability. Billing software has the capability to look at the reports, analysis and charts that give a clear idea regarding the business performance and parameter for expansion. The success of the business can be predicted with interactive charts, reports, and forms. This also gives all the negative and positive impacts on the business. This software helps to carry out the businesses with more ease.


At store POS

Nowadays businesses not only run online but also at the store too. Almost all the software used has a close integration between POS machines and the online system. POS (Point of Sales) is generally found in supermarkets and grocery stores, where the machine will read the barcode given on the products during the billing procedure. Most of the billing software has both the online processes that have the admin and the privileged user and the POS standalone application. Sync can be maintained between all the systems and all the data can be viewed in real-time. Databases are dynamic and are constantly updated regarding the products and purchase orders.


Maintaining Contacts

Using a billing software system for your business will keep a track of all the suppliers, inventories and buyers. The system is efficient to gather the required information and send out emails in a timely manner when the appropriate time is near. The primary part of the system is about interaction between buyers and sellers and interim dealers. The system will evoke reminders, pending deals, new orders, and bills that are generated by the system and make the works easier. The system will also update the contact details of the individuals and the current status of the individuals are maintained in the system neatly. This software makes the entire workflow in a systematic and smooth manner.


The working of the supermarket and grocery stores have entirely changed since most of the stores and supermarkets are automated and there are powerful billing software available in the market. It becomes easier for the owners to concentrate more on the businesses and aspects of expansion as everything is handled better by the software systems. Also, most of the supermarkets and stores are moving towards the technological transformation and therefore more exposure is given to the business. Grocery stores and supermarkets have come transformed from the conventional style of running the business. If you are running a grocery store or a supermarket and want to experience a transformation, we can help you with the perfect solution. Get in touch with us to discuss more.