Profitability is the primary goal of most enterprises. When it comes to data, however, about half of the companies consider improving CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE (CX) to be a long-term goal.

how to use QR code for business
Customers will come to your brand again and again if you use QR codes to create a smooth engaging and exciting experience for them.

Companies place a high focus on customer happiness. You can exploit consumer repurchase intentions and promote long-term loyalty by enhancing customer happiness. Because customers have a large number of options to pick from, it is critical for the company to understand their needs and engage with them on a regular basis. Customer happiness is difficult for firms to attain.

According to reports, dissatisfied consumers are twice as likely to tell others about their bad experience as satisfied customers. In this modern era, businesses should not offend customers by responding to bad evaluations. The following are some of the reasons why you should value customer experience:

  • Retaining customers is less expensive than obtaining new customers.
  • Positive reviews and personal recommendations can help to improve your brand’s reputation.
  • Improved customer satisfaction will assist organizations in remaining competitive.
  • Customer experience is inextricably linked to an organization’s long-term success.

As the pandemic spread over the globe, the commercial landscape transformed quickly. As the global economy has gotten more digital, it has become more vital for businesses to conduct their operations using contactless payments. When it comes to providing a better experience for customers, merchants must consider the gap between digital and physical storefronts. Retailers prioritize QR codes as a means of improving consumer happiness and facilitating a seamless buying experience.

The retail business benefits more from QR codes than it does from bar codes. Barcodes have evolved into a valuable tool for companies to avoid having to dig up every information of a product. Instead, they only need to scan the goods because the code has all of the information. As a result, QR has become a key aspect of technological progress.

In the United States, around 11 million homes will use QR codes for shopping in 2020, according to the business industry. This represents an increase above the 9.76 million scans performed in 2018. Consumers favor digital payment options because they save time compared to the traditional technique. For the convenience of their customers, retailers and ecommerce store owners have begun to incorporate QR codes into their stores. QR codes are one of the most well-known and emerging technologies that have allowed the company to revolutionize customer expectations and retail convenience. Previously, users paid with credit cards and cash; however, the scenario has completely altered lately.

A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that can be read by a smartphone camera. It’s similar to a UPC barcode’s black and white squares. QR codes include data such as messages, URLs, phone numbers, and other items that instruct a smartphone to perform a task. A QR code scanner, for example, can launch a webpage, switch to a different language, play a video, make a contact, or send an email. Because QR codes are two-dimensional, they can be used in any visual medium, such as print advertising, packaging, websites, and digital signage.

The use of QR codes relieves retailers of stress because they can continue to provide great products and improved customer care to their clients. Through contactless technology, it is now simple for shops to conduct transactions directly with customers. Consumers will be able to have a more tailored experience if they begin to prioritize technological improvements.

While the advantages of boosting customer satisfaction and experiences are significant, achieving them is difficult. Gaining the trust of customers is difficult for businesses, and it is becoming more difficult as competition intensifies. When communicating with customers, a QR code can provide you with a number of advantages. QR codes can be used to provide useful content to your consumers, improve service, and send targeted promotional messages. The following are some of the advantages of employing QR codes in your marketing and customer interaction strategies:

  • Helps drive action
  • Encourages prospects to make a purchase
  • Enables seamless lead generation
  • Tracking and collecting customer data
  • Price reduction
  • Boosting customer experience
  • Seamless generation


Let’s look at how QR codes can be used to increase consumer interaction. QR codes can be used in a variety of ways. Let’s take a look at some of the most common ways to use QR codes for business.

Coupons and discounts

Discounts and vouchers are popular among customers. Approximately 94 percent of buyers use discounts and coupons to complete their purchases. When shopping in a store, things get a little more complicated. Discounts are exclusively given to specific clients by the business. They select qualified customers based on a variety of factors. QR codes make the process of getting a discount much easier. Customers may be provided discounts in the form of QR code coupons. Customers can redeem the offer by scanning the code with their smartphones.

Storefront strategy

QR codes are the greatest tactics to utilize if you have a physical retail store. Because storefronts make the store more apparent, they increase visibility and encourage customers to enter. Customers can also play and win the game by using the QR code as a storefront. Customers will visit the store more frequently if they are encouraged to scan and win deals and discounts. You can attract customers and increase foot traffic to your store with this method. It’s crucial to include text in QR codes because it’s essential for call-to-action terms.

Mobile layaways

QR codes are the perfect approach if your store allows customers to reserve things or put them on layaway. Consumers can use a QR code to reserve or put an item on hold for later purchasing. When a consumer is on the go and does not have access to a physical store, this is handy. They can put a hold on an item at a later date when it is more convenient for them to pick it up in person. Customers can reserve for a unique or higher priority item ahead of time when QR codes are integrated into your marketing and advertising tactics. They may scan a code linked to an advertisement, a social media post, or other marketing materials and be assured that their item will be waiting for them when they arrive.

Share product information

Customers are well-informed about the brands and products that they select. They must be aware of all of the products’ ingredients, features, and descriptions, as well as their influence on both the user and the environment. Manufacturers are unable to convey entire information about the product in the package. This problem can be solved with the use of a QR code. You can make a QR code using the information stored in it and place it on the package. You may also link the code to a page on your website where customers can acquire more thorough information about the product. HERSHEY’S, the world’s largest chocolate factory, is one of the most notable instances. By including a QR code on their product packaging, they implemented Smart Label packaging. The code is linked to comprehensive product information, ensuring complete visibility for customers. 

In-store strategy

If customers are shopping in a store, placing a QR code within the store would be the ideal choice, because customers scan and pay for their purchases. QR codes can be placed on products that can provide customers with a convenient purchasing experience while also delivering information about the product. Customers may get things quickly and conveniently, and the QR code allows potential purchasers to read reviews and comments from previous customers before making a purchase decision.

Sharing engaging content

Sharing interesting and helpful material is one of the best methods to keep your customers involved in your business. It would be great if you could provide product information via QR codes. If you sell many types of pasta or noodles, for example, you can share the recipes with your customers. You can include the code in the product package and link it to your website or YouTube channel’s product recipe. The chef’s basket is one of the best examples, as it employs QR codes on its prior products to link them to their YouTube channel. Customers can view and follow the recipes by scanning the code.

The reception strategy

Customers prefer to use QR codes to enquire about and pay for things. And this is the most effective way to carry out the approach. If you own a café or restaurant, you may provide your customers a direct menu by scanning the code and allowing them to order whatever they want. Many stores and brands have adopted this method since it allows retailers and ecommerce sellers to work more efficiently.

Seamless product returns

According to studies, 92% of buyers would buy the brand again if they had a positive return experience. The clients will seek assistance from the agents. When a consumer wishes to return an item, they will choose the self-service option. Product return processes can be made easier with QR codes. Use a QR code generator to create codes for your products that connect to a page on your website where customers may request a return. AMAZON was the first to use this strategy to provide customers with a seamless return experience. Customers can scan the QR code within the drop-off spot to return the product. The products will be reshipped by Amazon. And a refund will be given as a result.

Omni channel marketing

Using flyers, billboards, business cards, brochures, and other promotional materials to raise brand awareness and retain customers is difficult. These marketing resources can only help to increase brand awareness in the marketplace. Customers will be unable to act in real time, which will have an impact on overall engagement. With the use of QR codes, this problem can be solved. QR codes can be embedded in printed marketing materials and linked to relevant websites. If your company offers consumers the option of booking or scheduling appointments online, you can link the codes to your website’s appointment page. Customers will be able to arrange appointments in a seamless manner, resulting in a superior and effortless customer experience.

Business card QR codes

Previously, the company was required to create simple and minimalist business cards with information such as phone number, email, address, and designation. Businesses nowadays choose to include social media links and other accounts in their business cards. This may cause the business cards to become overburdened with data and links. A QR code on a business card may hide a lot of information, allowing customers to quickly access contact information and social media links (Facebook, twitter, Instagram, YouTube etc.) You can create a basic business card with a QR code that contains all of the necessary information. Retailers and professionals are the most common users of this approach.

Storefront displays

It is impossible for a retail business to operate 24*7. However, when you consider it, customers will continue to pass by your store long after it has closed. What if you had the opportunity to use this opportunity to increase traffic and generate sales? Your store will be open 24/7, and placing a storefront display with a QR code that links clients to your online store can help you capitalize on after-hours traffic.

Finding the store

Another way to use QR codes is to locate your store. It is less likely that you will mislead your consumers if you can guide them to the store. Customers do not need to memorize the store address if your store code is linked to Google Maps or any third-party application because they can simply discover you. If clients are having trouble finding your store, they can use the QR code to quickly locate it.

Because mobile technology has swept the industrial sector, the QR code in the retail sector will undergo significant adjustments in order to increase conversions and traffic. The first step toward customer satisfaction is to improve the CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE (CX). QR codes can help you increase customer engagement and deliver a memorable experience by using them into your marketing and customer service strategies. Are you having trouble designing your own QR code? ESTRRADO TECHNOLOGIES can assist you in setting one in place to improve the performance and convenience of your store. Please contact us if you require additional information.

Types of Customers in Restaurants and How to Win Them


restaurant customer types

To say the least, the pandemic has impacted negatively on restaurants. One of the most difficult problems, aside from surviving financially, has been the shift in customer behavior.

Their fears, as well as newly available options such as pickups, have reshaped their behavior patterns. Customers’ health has become the new wealth, and not only the food, but also the method of getting it to them is important. As restaurants gradually reopen, hygiene and safety are top of mind for guests, which means the foundation of your connection with them has changed as well. It’s critical that you recognize these trends, segment your customers appropriately, and adjust your marketing methods to accommodate them.

The customer’s emotions vary differently, whether they are excited, fearful or concerned. Customers’ emotions and sentiments, as well as their thinking, must be considered by restaurant operators. Let’s talk about the different types of customers and how to market to them:

The first movers and shakers

Customers who are sick of being stuck at home during the lockdown and can’t wait to get out. Or they’re tired of the time and effort it takes to prepare their own meals, as well as the tasks that come with it. Finally, they’re likely to be buyers who are actively looking to place orders with you and assist you during these difficult times. While their motives may differ, one thing they all have in common is a desire to use your services.

These customers are unable to maintain their composure and are eager to return to routine. Highlight not only safety precautions, but also how similar the experience is to what they remember and expect. Highlight your menu specialties, particularly meals and experiences that cannot be delivered, to give them something to look forward to. You might also request that they provide comments and an evaluation of their experience. This can assist you in obtaining a favorable market.

The group of pick-up artists

These are the people who are sick of their home-cooked meals and desire restaurant food, but are hesitant to eat out or rely on others for delivery. They are, however, familiar with the food you prepare and it is ready for them to pick up.

These customers are ready to visit you, but be sure they are not waiting for their order. Set up a RELIABLE ONLINE ORDERING SYSTEM, make pick-up orders easier, and provide a pleasant experience for these clients. Make sure your internet ordering offerings are well-publicized. Set up a customized menu for takeout and delivery, and make sure you spread the word and create a buzz to get these consumers enthusiastic. Experiment with finish-at-home meals and kits in addition to prepared foods. Make it an online event by having your chef cook the dishes in real time on social media.

The group in charge of delivery

This group is similar to the pick-up gang in that they are also bored of home-cooked meals. While they are hesitant to visit you in person and dine with you, they are confident in the cuisine you provide and are willing to deal with the minimum touch involved with delivery.

Ascertain that these customers place direct orders with you. If you haven’t already, it’s in your best interests to set up an online ordering system. Let them know how it benefits you if they order from you instead of going via a middleman. You can use Hashtag Loyalty to run your campaigns and ads and genuinely acquire customers for yourself. To boost their confidence, emphasize the safety and measures you’re taking. Encourage customers to share their experiences on social media using the phrase “minimum contact delivery.” You should also pay attention to the packaging to ensure that the food arrives safely and fresh, avoiding any unpleasant consequences.

Those who are paranoid

Those who haven’t found comfort in any of the options you’ve provided fall into this category. Their concerns are holding them down as they crave your food and services. They’re waiting for the pandemic to die down before heading out.

Make your safety precautions the center of your communication with them. Continue to instill trust in them until they are ready to come see you or place an order. Keep your presence and communications consistent to be the first person that comes to mind when they’re ready. To put people at ease, emphasize the safeguards you’re doing on social media and invite queries from them. Begin with little measures; encourage pick-ups and deliveries.

It’s critical to recognize that customers are vital to the success of your business. It is essential to fully understand the various types of customers with whom one is engaging. You must also employ various techniques for various customers. The methods you’ve devised will aid in the seamless operation of your restaurant.

Please contact us if you are intending to take your business online and are seeking a way to market your consumers. We will provide you with scalable business solutions as well as customer retention strategies.‍

Digital Marketing for Restaurants

Once you have your restaurant delivery apps setup using Elvis Ordering system. It’s time to start promoting your restaurant online.

digital marketing strategy for restaurants

Why does someone search for a restaurant on the Internet? To see where it is and how to get there, check its schedules, make a phone call, make a reservation, see the menu, see photos, see what people think … and much more. Having a presence to give information is the reason for having a digital marketing strategy for restaurants.

There are many restaurants that live off word of mouth and the prestige that is passed from one person to another, but in today’s world, even these types of successful restaurants need a digital marketing strategy. Why? Because even people who have been recommended a restaurant or who already know it, look for it on the Internet … What if it doesn’t appear? What if the one that appears is a good competitor restaurant that is even close?

Digital Marketing for Restaurants can complement Personal Recommendations

Most people go to a restaurant for the first time because someone invited them and mentioned them there, because they received a personal recommendation, because they read or heard a review, because they saw it when they did a search for something else, because they saw it in social networks and it seemed to him, because he saw the evaluations and reviews that his diners have made on the Internet, because he read the recommendation of a specialized blogger.

Digital Marketing for Restaurants must Start with a Phase of Social Listening.

If the best restaurants are recommended by word of mouth or through the Internet, then Digital Marketing for Restaurants should start doing social listening to learn what people say about the establishment, what they say about competitors, what they think of that type of food and which It is the feeling with which it expresses itself in all these aspects.

Listening to the market, before executing a strategy, is the first step to a successful restaurant digital marketing strategy. Once the market is listened to and it is known how many people are speaking, with what sentiment, with what language and who are the main influencers, then a strategy is designed that can include:

  • A content campaign that is distributed on social channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn), which generates positioning of the restaurant and visitors to the site or direct contacts from social networks. Visitors can also be motivated to leave their data to capture it in a database.
  • An advertising campaign on Facebook that broadens the scope of the content published on the restaurant’s page, especially in the face of the new Facebook algorithm where the only way to reach many followers is through Facebook advertising.
  • A campaign of interesting content, published through the blog on the restaurant’s site, that appeals to the interests of the target market and that generates organic traffic from Google.
  • A video content campaign promoting the restaurant and its cuisine, on Facebook and on the restaurant’s own site.
  • Advertising campaign on search engines such as Google that places ads in Google results listings and banners on hundreds of websites, taking prospects to a registration, contact and landing page to generate reservations and capture data at the database.
  • An organic positioning campaign in Google that allows the restaurant’s site to appear in a relevant way in searches and on Google maps without having to pay for each click.
  • An email marketing campaign to the base of visitors who have left their data informing about promotions, new establishments in the chain, and more.

In a Digital Marketing Strategy for Restaurants, Everything is Measured. 

Everything that is done on the Internet must be measured. Fortunately, everything can be measured with the correct technology. When you design a digital strategy, you develop an execution plan where each tactic is measurable. There must be a solid implementation of “analytics” to be able to measure > execute > measure > correct > rerun in a continuous improvement process that gives incremental improvements in the campaign.

Content, Image and Video Are Essential for Restaurants. 

All the campaigns we develop at Estrrado for restaurants include an intensive content strategy that communicates to the prospect the answers to their questions and generates intense emotions about the food, the taste and the atmosphere of the establishment.

By informing and stimulating the senses digitally, we build a reputation for the restaurant and convey whims to the customer.

Digital Marketing for Restaurants Works Great for Groups and Chains. 

The Internet has a massive coverage and, although the platforms we use allow us to segment geographically, socioeconomically and by many other parameters, the greatest results occur when we work with a brand that has several establishments, when we work for chains or restaurant groups.

The reasons are several, the first is that a good digital marketing campaign for restaurants requires investment and when you cover a larger market, you have a greater opportunity to grow sales and generate positive returns. Of course, additionally, the investment in the campaign is more manageable when it is distributed among several establishments. From the client side, it is very pleasant for a client who when looking for a restaurant or a certain type of food, has a nearby branch and does not have to be left with the craving for distance. 

How to Increase Your E-Commerce Conversion Rate Using the Buyer’s Journey

The conversion rate is always something quite enigmatic for e-commerce owners, however to demystify and help you improve the conversion rate, we have prepared a list of 5 tips to increase your conversion rate during the customer’s purchase journey in your e-commerce.

tips for ecommerce

Tip 1: experience is the key to success

Customer loyalty is always the goal of e-commerce , but with so many options and different information at hand, the customer is hardly loyal. So, invest in experience and service, these are the main factors that will make your customer come back.

Fast, practical and hassle-free service should be part of your company’s pillars. This will count a lot for the customer’s choice, as he understands that if there is any problem, the assistance will be quick and efficient.

Tip 2: Have a very interactive store

An interactive e-commerce helps a lot in the shopping journey, so the customer can “date” the product they want at different times and places, helping the store to expand its reach.

Increasing reach is the meaning of new leads and potential new purchases, so if you want to increase sales, increase interactivity.

Tip 3: Monitor Your Customer’s Journey

Monitoring the customer’s journey is essential to know their profile, where they clicked, what is their interest in e-commerce and what suggestions may please them.

Creating this customer profile is important for you to know the products that are most attractive to a target audience and how they can solve the problem they discovered in the purchase journey.

Tip 4: Develop an Omnichannel Strategy

The omnichannel concept comes from a new consumer behavior profile. This profile seeks multiple purchases when selecting a product in an online store and searching for an experience. This means that, in this scenario, you need to build closer, more positive relationships with your existing customers and potential customers.

To earn conversions, e-commerce must be omnichannel. This strategy means integration between different points of contact with the consumer. Its main objective is to ensure a better shopping experience and build and develop closer relationships with your audience.

Specifically, this means integrating in every way:

Market strategy;
Personal training;
Technological tools.

Tip 5: Keep track of market trends

Selling more also means recognizing factors external to e-commerce, such as the market in which it operates and general conditions. This is because the e-commerce market is constantly changing and can have a direct impact on how and what the public consumes.

For this reason, it is essential to observe a growing number of products and services in order to use the best strategy to increase your business sales.

To follow the buying journey, you need to know exactly what your customer wants, how you’re going to offer this solution, and when you’re going to offer it. Knowing these points is crucial for the purchase journey to be concluded in a positive way, that is, with the sale made.

Considering each of the stages and knowing which stage of the sales funnel it belongs to allows you to provide the ideal content for the customer’s moment. Providing information about the problem he is looking for a solution does not mean solving the problem effectively, but supporting the client in his decision.

Winning it right in the first stages of the purchase journey can bring many positive results, remembering that you work with an e-commerce and the more payment options you have, the greater the possibility of closing.

Finally, invest in service and experience at any stage of the buying journey — that is, when the customer feels supported even before they are a buyer. This certainly motivates you to make the purchase sooner than expected.